Everything You Should Know About the 2019 Coronavirus

Contagious diseases and epidemics have been rampant throughout the history of human beings and are even present today: Zika, Ebola, polio, cholera, and SARS are a few of the epidemics that have affected humans within the past few decades. Stay informed about the 2019 Coronavirus with comprehensive insights and updates on our website.

This brief introduction brings us to the respiratory viral infections, for which Coronavirus has recently been a major culprit.

What is Coronavirus?

In simple terms, a virus is an entity that can only replicate and breed in other living organisms.

Coronavirus was first found about six decades ago and named so because of its characteristic crown-shaped appearance.

It is a highly virulent entity that mainly affects the respiratory system in humans.


Types of Coronavirus:

This year sees the discovery of various subspecies (including SARS and MERS), and human infections. Those of whom may range from simple Influenza-like infections to severe pneumonia and life-threatening conditions. 

A newer strain of coronavirus was found in 2019 and named 2019-nCoV, which has wreaked havoc in China and the associated regions in January of 2020.

Previously the 2002-2003 SARS infection of the Asian region has also been attributed to a Coronavirus subtype.

Causes of Coronavirus Infection:

In Wuhan City, China, a seafood and meat market is the source of the Novel Coronavirus infection. Some have thought that the outbreak started from the consumption of virus-infected bats, seafood, or snakes. The Easterners commonly take delicacies around them.

The disease mainly spreads through airborne droplets, infested meat, and contact with secretions. Most cases are in Wuhan, China. As of 29th January 2020, the total number of reported cases has exceeded the 6000 mark, with almost 90% of the patient pool originating from China.

Outside mainland China, More than 190 have reported cases. Washington Post has been reporting in its live update feed about the spread of the virus. 

These countries, Japan, the US, France, Africa and European countries, outside China have found this virus

The first death due to organ failure from coronavirus announce in Beijing, China. with the total number of deaths exceeding 100 patients as of this date. Including doctors and medical personnel working on the virus-infected patients. 

Photographs of doctors bidding farewell to their loved ones as they set off for disease-ridden areas have been circulating on the internet. The uncertainty regarding the disease’s prognosis and long-term follow-up is clearly signified by this.

Symptoms of Coronavirus:

As far as the current authorities have described, the novel Coronavirus typically attacks the respiratory system of the host. The most commonly pronounced symptoms are episodes of cough, shortness of breath, and fever. 

We have not yet confirmed the incubation period. The infection typically develops within 1.5-2 weeks after contact with the virus. infection continues as a cascade of pathologies that include renal and liver dysfunction. 

The complications of vital organ systems may lead to the death of the person. However, in the absence of the currently available symptomatic treatment. 

The medical personnel handling the cases are now at severe risk also: due to the absence of vaccines and treatment, the only line of defence is the protective gear and the hygiene measures observed by the doctors and the medical staff.

Theories about discovery:

Several media houses and journalists have theorized various reasons for the rapid spread and uncertainty around the virus. The virus has been bioengineered artificially and has been released as a bioweapon for biological warfare. 

Others have also speculated that the novel strain of coronavirus has come from the Arctic region. Certain viruses that are highly susceptible to humans were previously believed to be covered by the polar caps.

The recent global warming also led to the melting of polar ice and is responsible for the introduction of the newer strain of the world.

Coronavirus Treatment:

Since the discovery of the novel strain, the experimentation for treatment has yet not been encouraging.

The viral nature of the disease has led to the failure of any antibiotics to work. The anti-viral drugs have not been promising, because of differences in the effects of drugs on the strains of the virus.

So far, no vaccine is available, the only available form of prevention is protection against the factors. Which are likely to cause disease i.e. close contact with affected persons, usage of masks, limiting travelling to disease-ridden areas, and maintaining personal hygiene.

Additionally, managing disease symptoms like fever and cough, as well as isolating the afflicted individual, are part of the current therapy regimens for the affected people.

Preventive Measures:

Since the unique coronavirus has never been seen before, controlling its already lethal pathogenesis will be more challenging.

Till now, the Chinese government has been dealing with the problem by quarantining the affected city of Wuhan and other districts. The flight’s operation to the affected area has also been cancelled, which has affected more than 56 million people.

W.H.O. had originally referred to it as not being as serious as the 2002-3 SARS infection that had infected nearly 8000 people. However, the drastic day-over-day increase has led to the seriousness of authorities over the case.

Suggested Precautions:

The Chinese government suggests taking the following precautions to prevent Coronavirus disease.

When travelling and going out in public, it is suggested to wear disposable masks due to the major method of transmission being airborne and the suspicion of an intermediate host existing between humans, bats, and seafood.

Media has reported that many online stores have sold out or completely run out of stocks of masks and air purifiers due to a rapid surge in demand.

Some medical personnel also have recommended maintaining oral hygiene and maintaining moisture in the throat at all times to not allow the virus to infect the person even after entry.

While others have recommended changes in eating habits to prevent acquiring the virus from infected meat.

precautions of coronavirus


The virus, its spread throughout the world, and research for its treatment are the focus of attention for people around the world at this time. Despite initial drastic setbacks, the scientific community is optimistic about the conditions the world will face in the future in disease treatment and cure.