Does Pineapple Juice Remove Skin Tags ?

Skin tags can normally be described as mild extra growths on the skin that can appear anywhere on the body. They are not painful, but for some people, they may be a cause of irritation or unattractiveness.

Since ancient times, people have been searching for different natural ways to remove skin tags.

For this particular purpose, pineapple juice has emerged as one possible solution. In this comprehensive article, we will look into the possible benefits of pineapple juice.

Does pineapple juice remove skin tags?

Proponents of this home remedy believe the enzymes and acids in pineapple juice can help break down the core of skin tags, eventually causing them to fall off.

We’ll also throw light on the fact that pineapple juice helps with smoother skin, or is it only a myth? 

What are skin tags?

Skin tags are medically known as acrochordons. They are soft, small, benign growths that mostly appear on the areas where skin rubs against skin or clothing.

The common areas where they occur are the neck, armpits, groin area, etc. They vary in size and can range from a few millimetres to a few centimetres. They are dark red and depict flesh, or they can even be a bit darker. 

There can be various factors behind the occurrence of skin tags. The most common factors are friction, hormonal changes, and genetic predisposition. Skin tags are not painful, but a lot of people tend to remove them for cosmetic reasons like unattractiveness. 

Does Pineapple Juice Remove Skin Tags

Pineapple Juice and Skin Tags

There is an enzyme called bromelain present in pineapple juice. This enzyme is famous for its anti-inflammatory and proteolytic properties.

It is mainly used for medical purposes and has a lot of health benefits that include wound healing, reducing inflammation, etc. It even helps in aiding digestion.

Some studies even claim that the application of pineapple juice on skin tags can help break down the tissues. This results in the shrinking of tissues and then they eventually fall off after a while.

There is still limited scientific evidence available that supports the direct effectiveness of pineapple juice in removing skin tags.

Bromelain does have some enzymatic activity that helps break down skin tissues but some studies claim that its amount in pineapple juice is not enough to help remove skin tags.

Does Pineapple Juice Remove Skin Tags

Scientific Studies on Bromelain To Remove Skin Tags

Several studies have been done to know the healing effects of bromelain, both when taken orally or applied.

While some research advocates that bromelain may have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties, its efficacy in exclusively targeting and removing skin tags remains vague.

One study published in the Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery examined the effects of a topical gel containing bromelain on patients with seborrheic keratosis, another type of benign skin growth.

The researchers found that the bromelain gel decreased the size and thickness of the lesions but did not result in absolute removal.

Another study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food evaluated the effects of orally administered bromelain on wound healing in rats. The researchers observed accelerated wound closure and reduced inflammation in the bromelain-treated group compared to the control group.

While these findings are hopeful, they do not directly link with the topical application of pineapple juice for removing skin tags in humans.

Does Pineapple Juice Remove Skin Tags? Practical Considerations

If you are considering using pineapple juice to help remove skin tags then you need to be careful. You also need to manage your expectations as well.

Some studies do suggest that pineapple juice is effective in removing or treating skin tags but individual results may vary.

It may be effective for a few and can be not so beneficial for others. You need to try it yourself to see the results.

It is always suggested to consult a dermatologist or health care provider before trying any home remedies including pineapple juice for the removal of skin tags.

They can give you suggestions based on your specific skin type, medical history, and the nature of your skin tags.

Furthermore, you also need to be patient with home remedies including natural ingredients. They may take time to show desired results.

Remember being consistent is the key here. If you choose to use pineapple juice in removing skin tags then use it repeatedly and monitor the change, which may take time.

Home Remedies To Remove Skin Tags

There are several home remedies that people argue can remove skin tags. However, it’s significant to note that little scientific proof supports these claims. Some of these remedies may even irritate your skin. Here are a few of the most familiar home remedies for skin tags:

Tea tree oil: 

tea tree oil for removing skin tags

Tea tree oil is an important oil that has antiviral and antifungal properties. Some people consider that it can also help to remove skin tags. To apply tea tree oil for skin tags:

  1. Dilute it with a carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba oil.
  2. Apply a few drops of the diluted oil to the skin tag with a cotton swab.
  3. Be cautious not to get tea tree oil in your eyes.

Apple cider vinegar: 

apple cider vinegar for removing skin tags

Apple cider vinegar is a type of vinegar that is made from fermented apples. The acidity of apple cider vinegar can facilitate the removal of tags.

  • To use apple cider vinegar for skin tags, soak a cotton swab in apple cider vinegar and apply it to the skin tag.
  • Leave the cotton swab in place for 15-30 minutes, then remove it and wash the area with water.

Banana peel: 

banana peel for removing skin tags

Some people believe that the inside of a banana peel can help remove skin tags. To use a banana peel for skin tags, rub the inside of a banana peel on the skin tag for a few minutes.


garlic for removing skin tags

Garlic has some natural antibacterial properties. Some believe that rubbing garlic on a skin tag can help it dry and fall off. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Lemon Juice: 

lemon juice for removing skin tags

Some people also believe lemon juice helps remove skin tags. However, there needs to be proper scientific evidence supporting the claim, and the value of its effectiveness has just traveled across the globe and in various cultures through word of mouth and old wives’ tales.

Before treating skin tag with lemon juice, remember that its acidity can irritate your skin, causing redness, itching, or burning.

Oregano Oil: 

oregano oil for removing skin tags

It is sometimes suggested as a natural remedy for skin tags, but while some claim oregano oil can remove skin tags, there’s no strong scientific research to confirm this. Furthermore, oregano oil is very potent and can irritate the skin, especially if not diluted properly. It can cause redness, burning, and discomfort.

If you are considering trying a home remedy to remove a skin tag, you must talk to your doctor first. They can help you decide if a home remedy is right for you and advise how to use it safely.

The Importance of Consulting a Dermatologist:

While natural remedies like pineapple juice might seem appealing, it’s important to prioritize your health and safety first. Consulting a dermatologist offers quite a few benefits:

Accurate Diagnosis: A dermatologist can definitively diagnose and tell a skin tag apart from other skin conditions like moles or warts.

Safe and Effective Removal: Dermatologists have the training and experience to remove skin tags carefully and effectively, minimizing scarring and infection risks.

Reduced Risk of Recurrence: Dermatologists can advise on lifestyle changes and preventative measures to decrease the risk of future skin tags.

Alternative Treatment Options

 If pineapple juice doesn’t give in the desired results or if you want a more proven approach, several alternative treatment options are also available for removing skin tags. These consist of:

Cryotherapy: Freezing the skin tag with liquid nitrogen to destroy the tissue. It causes it to fall off naturally within a few weeks.

Ligation: The dermatologist ties a suture around the base of the skin tag, cutting off its blood supply. The skin tag dries up and falls off within days or weeks.

Electrocautery: Using an electrical current to burn off the skin tag.

Surgical excision: Cutting the skin tag off with a scalpel or scissors.

Over-the-counter treatments: Topical solutions containing ingredients like salicylic acid or tea tree oil may help dissolve the skin tag over time.

Does Pineapple Juice Remove Skin Tags


The internet is buzzing about Does Pineapple Juice Remove Skin Tags. Pineapple juice contains bromelain, an enzyme with potential anti-inflammatory properties; its efficacy in removing skin tags must be more confirmed and specific.

Limited scientific proof and anecdotal reports suggest that pineapple juice may have some benefits. Still, more research is required to validate its use as a topical treatment for skin tags.

If you’re considering using pineapple juice or any other home remedy for skin tag removal, it’s essential to approach it cautiously and consult a healthcare professional first. They can guide the safest and most useful treatment options based on your needs, preferences, and skin type.

In the end, while pineapple juice may add a tropical twist to your skincare routine, don’t look forward to it being a miracle cure for skin tags. Instead, focus on proven methods supported by scientific evidence to get the best and desired results for your skin health and overall well-being.